Sunday 1 March 2009

This is it...

Here we are, friends. We've actually started some kind of slightly-less-trendy-but-slightly-more-interactive online presence.

Well, the first bit of major news aside from this is that last week (or the week before, I can't quite remember) Florence and I met, face-to face, in her University town of BRIGHTON. Hoorayyy... I was on a flying visit whilst on tour with my good friends Casiokid, (and their equally good friends Henry Homesweet and Amy Can Flyy) which I will write a bit about at a later date, and after a frustrating day of phoning various family members to try to get Flo's actual real number and failing, I had all but given up. But by about five, she reached me and soon Florence and I were waltzing around the town like a regular pair of cousins.

Bottom line is, we got what felt like a lot discussed and designated the regeneration of Nice Magazine between ourselves and a few smart friends. Having decided we needed something more informative/regularly updated than just a static page on a social networking site, we've opted for a blog. And I'm the leader. The big power-hungry, gun-toting bossy boots who's now got to look after 'things' on blogspot. Obviously I'm semi-joking; for a start, no matter who you are or where you're from NICE belongs to you. This is a place to converse, show us stuff, have some banter. Put your feet on the table, eat whatever you want by the computer, turn your music up. Nobody will judge you or kiss your arse to extremes.

So welcome to! Tell your friends, submit stuff (either on here or to, and rest assured we love you all, and there is more to come... much more...



  1. iniccenti says this thing will go far,it's such a sound idea.... but don't take no bullshit from anyone!! keep your syntax tight..... Go Gurls.... as our afro/american cuzins say.....yes indeedee!!

  2. well I'm very aroused

  3. As are we :D

    i will get round to putting a bit more on here next week.

